Chapter 3 A Beautiful Machine
Chapter 3 A Beautiful Machine Chapter 3 A Beautiful Machine From the hilltop, the glow of the fire illuminated the entire forest. Ashes and embers littered the ground, burning Miguel's feet. He wrapped huge green leaves around them. A group of trees exploded like dynamite, sending Miguel to the ground. The ape-like creatures froze near the edge of the blaze. The fire singed their white hair, creating a putrid stench. They fell like dominoes, succumbing to the hungry beast of a fire. They, lik
Chapter 3 A Beautiful Machine

Chapter 3 A Beautiful Machine

From the hilltop, the glow of the fire illuminated the entire forest.Ashes and embers littered the ground, burning Miguel's feet.He wrapped huge green leaves around them.
A group of trees exploded like dynamite, sending Miguel to the ground.The ape-like creatures froze near the edge of the blaze.The fire singed their white hair, creating a putrid stench.They fell like dominoes, succumbing to the hungry beast of a fire.They, like Weena, had never seen a blaze like this.The future was nothing as Miguel imagined.
The surviving Morlocks streamed through the trees, the fire chasing them like a monster. Miguel followed them.Maybe they would lead him back to the time machine, and he could get home.
Miguel hustled past trees as tall as buildings and brushed against blue flowers as big as his face.There was no technology in the future, and Miguel surmised that was the reason why nature flourished.The Morlocks disappeared into an underground passageway,leaving Miguel alone near a marble statue of a sphinx.