Chapter 6 The Heart of Granville
Chapter 6 The Heart of Granville Chapter 6 The Heart of Granville The boys found themselves following Mr. Slovak through long corridors crammed with cleaning supplies, broken desks, and surplus library shelves. At the end of the corridor they entered a crowded, dusty, unlocked storage room. It was dark and packed with library shelves and stacks of books. Mr. Slovak stopped at a large bookshelf against the back wall and faced the boys. "Here it is," he said. "Everything else you'll find inside.
Chapter 6 The Heart of Granville

Chapter 6 The Heart of Granville
The boys found themselves following Mr. Slovak through long corridors crammed with cleaning supplies,broken desks, and surplus library shelves.At the end of the corridor they entered a crowded, dusty, unlocked storage room.It was dark and packed with library shelves and stacks of books.Mr. Slovak stopped at a large bookshelf against the back wall and faced the boys.
"Here it is," he said. "Everything else you'll find inside.And, of course, we'll never say one word of this to anyone else."He then pulled the shelf away from the wall.
The boys crowded around and noticed a small heart painted in dark red on the wall behind the shelf.Mr. Slovak pressed on the heart, and the boys heard a clicking of a lock.Immediately the outlines of a small door appeared in the wall.Daniel, Yuri, and Bennett looked at each other with nervous smiles."Mr. Slovak, should we . . .," but before they could finish, he vanished.
"Well, here we go," Daniel whispered, as he pressed on the secret door.