Chapter 5 Solutions
Chapter 5 Solutions Chapter 5 Solutions That night after dinner, Omar asked Dora for help with a math problem. Immediately she started to show him how to solve it, but he thought she was being bossy rather than helpful. "Slow down! This is hard for me!" Omar cried. "Well, it shouldn't be!" Dora snapped. "It's an easy first-grade problem, and you're just not listening to me." Omar pushed the paper away and folded his arms against his chest. "It's no wonder you're having trouble tutoring,"
Chapter 5 Solutions

Chapter 5 Solutions
That night after dinner, Omar asked Dora for help with a math problem.Immediately she started to show him how to solve it, but he thought she was being bossy rather than helpful.
"Slow down! This is hard for me!" Omar cried.
"Well, it shouldn't be!" Dora snapped."It's an easy first-grade problem, and you're just not listening to me."