Chapter 2 The Lie
Chapter 2 The Lie Chapter 2 The Lie The next day at lunchtime, three piping hot pizzas arrived at Mr. Maxwell's classroom door, right on schedule. "Mmm ... victory smells like pizza," Marcus murmured, and everyone laughed - except for Timothy. That morning, he had packed his own lunch of a peanut butter sandwich and some carrot sticks. He'd rather eat mud than celebrate Marcus's win with pizza. "Are you gonna eat by yourself?" Timothy's friend Josh asked sympathetically when he saw him take o
Chapter 2 The Lie

Chapter 2 The Lie
The next day at lunchtime, three piping hot pizzas arrived at Mr. Maxwell's classroom door, right on schedule.
"Mmm ... victory smells like pizza," Marcus murmured, and everyone laughed - except for Timothy.That morning, he had packed his own lunch of a peanut butter sandwich and some carrot sticks.He'd rather eat mud than celebrate Marcus's win with pizza.
"Are you gonna eat by yourself?" Timothy's friend Josh asked sympatheticallywhen he saw him take out his lunch bag.
Timothy nodded at Josh, then scowled as he watched Marcus lean against a window, surrounded by adoring fans.
"It was a really close contest, and I thought you had it in the bag," Josh said.He bit into a triangle of pizza, and Timothy watched as he twirled a string of cheese around his fingers.
"Hey, man!" Marcus said, looking straight at Timothy - much to Timothy's surprise.Breaking away from his classmates, Marcus strode to Timothy's desk, arm outstretched for a fist bump.
"Congratulations to both of us - none of the other classes stood a chance!"
"Whatever," Timothy muttered, keeping his eyes on his sandwich.
When Mr. Maxwell asked for the class to start finishing off the pizzas,Timothy got up and tossed his mostly uneaten lunch in the trash.