Chapter 3 A Difficult Confession
Chapter 3 A Difficult Confession Chapter 3 A Difficult Confession "Maybe everyone has forgotten what happened on Friday," Timothy thought as he reluctantly boarded the school bus on Monday morning. He knew this was highly unlikely, so in desperation he turned to another idea: maybe Marcus really did cheat during the Geography Bee. After all, how else could he have gotten that final point so quickly? And when had Marcus ever won a contest in class, anyway? What were the odds of Marcus beating som
Chapter 3 A Difficult Confession

Chapter 3 A Difficult Confession
"Maybe everyone has forgotten what happened on Friday,"Timothy thought as he reluctantly boarded the school bus on Monday morning.He knew this was highly unlikely, so in desperation he turned to another idea:maybe Marcus really did cheat during the Geography Bee.After all, how else could he have gotten that final point so quickly?And when had Marcus ever won a contest in class, anyway?What were the odds of Marcus beating some of the smartest kids in the whole sixth grade?
By the time he was walking into Mr. Maxwell's classroom,Timothy had decided that, yes, Marcus must have cheated.Timothy held his head high and forced himself to smileas he strolled casually between the rows and sat down at his desk.
Timothy waited anxiously as the morning dragged by.In math, the lesson was about improper fractions, and one of the problems involved pizza.Out of the corner of his eye, Timothy saw a couple of girls whisper to each other and snicker.Nervously, he waited for someone to crack a joke at Marcus's expense.Marcus must have anticipated the same thing because, as Timothy watched him, he sank lower in his seat.
Josh winked at Timothy, but nothing happened.