Chapter 2 Humanity Lost
Chapter 2 Humanity Lost Chapter 2 Humanity Lost Miguel found himself lying in a forest clearing at the base of a hill. A small girl lay curled up behind him. Curly hair adorned with flowers framed her face, which had delicate features. Who was she? A fire hissed from across the clearing. Flickering beams of light from the fire danced across the girl's dress. Flames sprang up from a pile of wood to catch nearby trees and bushes on fire and traveled through the forest like a pack of lions. Migu
Chapter 2 Humanity Lost

Chapter 2 Humanity Lost

Miguel found himself lying in a forest clearing at the base of a hill.A small girl lay curled up behind him.Curly hair adorned with flowers framed her face, which had delicate features. Who was she?
A fire hissed from across the clearing.Flickering beams of light from the fire danced across the girl's dress.Flames sprang up from a pile of wood to catch nearby trees and bushes on fireand traveled through the forest like a pack of lions.Miguel panicked. As he jumped to his feet, he kicked an iron bar on the ground.Voices mumbled in the darkness beyond the firelight. Bushes rustled.Footsteps padded the ground. Miguel turned round and round.Someone was coming. Something was coming.