Chapter 2 Devora
Chapter 2 Devora Chapter 2 Devora Her name was Devora. Dad took Denzil to see her at the hospital. She lay in a cot beside Mum's bed. "Come and look at her," said Mum. "Little Devora. Isn't she sweet?" The baby had a bald head, a scarlet face, a blobby nose and screwed-up eyes. Yes, thought Denzil, she was rather sweet. But he wasn't going to say so. Mum and Dad were gazing at her and making silly goo-goo noises. "Who's Daddy's pride and joy, then?" cooed Dad. Pride and joy? Denzil was sh
Chapter 2 Devora

Chapter 2 Devora

Her name was Devora. Dad took Denzil to see her at the hospital.She lay in a cot beside Mum's bed. "Come and look at her," said Mum."Little Devora. Isn't she sweet?"
The baby had a bald head, a scarlet face, a blobby nose and screwed-up eyes.Yes, thought Denzil, she was rather sweet. But he wasn't going to say so.