Chapter 4 The Test
Chapter 4 The Test Chapter 4 The Test "The immigration officers are ready to see you," Mrs. Schwarz said. Before Jin could stop her, Li Mei asked, "Why is it so hard to get into America?" Mrs. Schwarz wasn't angry. She just laughed. "There are unions of workers in the United States who are afraid that you will take their jobs," she said. "But we just want to be with Father," said Li Mei. "I know," said Mrs. Schwarz. "But in order to prevent strikes and other trouble the government has ma
Chapter 4 The Test

Chapter 4 The Test
"The immigration officers are ready to see you," Mrs. Schwarz said.
Before Jin could stop her, Li Mei asked, "Why is it so hard to get into America?"
Mrs. Schwarz wasn't angry. She just laughed."There are unions of workers in the United States who are afraid that you will take their jobs," she said.
"But we just want to be with Father," said Li Mei.
"I know," said Mrs. Schwarz."But in order to prevent strikes and other trouble the government has made it difficult for the Chinese to enter the country.Come on now. The immigration board is waiting."And with that she turned and led the little family to meet its biggest test.
Jin ran to catch up to Mrs. Schwarz.
"Excuse me, Ma'am! What will they ask us on the test?"