Chapter 3 The Cook, the Poet, and the Letter
Chapter 3 The Cook, the Poet, and the Letter Chapter 3 The Cook, the Poet, and the Letter Each day after breakfast, the women and children were allowed out of the barracks for exercise. Jin ran as fast as she could to the island's kitchen. Big Kwan was standing at the kitchen's back door. He was wiping his forehead with a towel. It was hard work cooking for hundreds of people. Pots and kettles crashed together. Jin could hear the sounds of Kwan's helpers cleaning in the kitchen. Jin thanked Kwa
Chapter 3 The Cook, the Poet, and the Letter

Chapter 3 The Cook, the Poet, and the Letter
Each day after breakfast, the women and children were allowed out of the barracks for exercise.Jin ran as fast as she could to the island's kitchen.
Big Kwan was standing at the kitchen's back door. He was wiping his forehead with a towel.It was hard work cooking for hundreds of people. Pots and kettles crashed together.Jin could hear the sounds of Kwan's helpers cleaning in the kitchen.Jin thanked Kwan for cooking her breakfast.
"You're welcome, Jin." The big man's voice boomed like a cannon.Then he looked around and whispered, "I have something for you."Big Kwan gave Jin a piece of folded paper."It's from your father. Give it to your mother right away."
Jin tucked the paper into her pocket. "Thank you, Kwan," she said as she ran off.
Jin ran to find her mother. She couldn't wait to hear her read the letter from her father.She hoped that he would tell them when they would be able to join him in San Francisco.
But she stopped as she passed another barracks. The door was open.Inside, a man was carving Chinese characters on the wall with a small knife.Jin came closer. The whole wall was covered with words.
She asked the man what he was writing.
"It's a poem," he said. "It tells how I feel waiting here, locked up, missing my family.It tells my hopes and dreams for the future."The man didn't look away from his work as he spoke.
Jin asked him why he was carving the poem on the wall."Someday, when I am gone," he said, "another man will be here in my place.I want him to know that I came this way too. So he will not give up hope."
Jin's eyes moved over the carvings on the wall."It's as if you will be here to help him," Jin said.