Chapter 3 "She Won't Hurt You"
Chapter 3 "She Won't Hurt You" Chapter 3 "She Won't Hurt You" From the moment Devora came home from the hospital, Denzil's life changed. The baby was all that anybody wanted to look at. "Isn't she amazing!" they cried. "Isn't she gorgeous!" Nobody took any notice of Denzil, at all. And Devora put on a real show for them. She was disgusting at the top end, forever dribbling and blowing raspberries. And she was even more disgusting at the bottom end. Well, it's probably better not to say wh
Chapter 3 "She Won't Hurt You"

Chapter 3 "She Won't Hurt You"

From the moment Devora came home from the hospital, Denzil's life changed.The baby was all that anybody wanted to look at.
"Isn't she amazing!" they cried. "Isn't she gorgeous!"
Nobody took any notice of Denzil, at all.