Chapter Three The Dream Is Real!
Chapter Three The Dream Is Real! Chapter Three The Dream Is Real! Megan tossed and turned in her bed trying to get to sleep. She still couldn't think of something different to grow, and it was keeping her awake. Suddenly she thought she heard someone calling her name. Thinking it was Morgan, she just mumbled quietly. "Mmmm?... What?" she said into her pillow. Morgan didn't answer, and Megan could hear her snoring in her bed. Megan figured she just imagined hearing her name being called. She
Chapter Three The Dream Is Real!

Chapter Three The Dream Is Real!
Megan tossed and turned in her bed trying to get to sleep.She still couldn't think of something different to grow, and it was keeping her awake.Suddenly she thought she heard someone calling her name.Thinking it was Morgan, she just mumbled quietly.
"Mmmm?... What?" she said into her pillow.
Morgan didn't answer, and Megan could hear her snoring in her bed.Megan figured she just imagined hearing her name being called. She tried to get to sleep.
"Megan! Megan!" There it was again. Megan sat up this time and looked around.She saw nothing and thought it was probably the wind or the tree outside hitting her window or something like that.She lay back down and closed her eyes tightly.
"Megan! Down here! Next to your bed!" said the voice again.