CHAPTER 2 The Magic Word
CHAPTER 2 The Magic Word CHAPTER 2 The Magic Word The pick-up truck lurched down the rough, uneven track and on to a smoother road. Kelly gazed out of the window. They had been travelling for hours and must be a long way from home. But she wasn't scared. She was never scared as long as she was with Simon. Near the end of a long journey? Kelly turned to look at Simon, squashed beside her in the back of the truck. He gave her a reassuring grin. "Won't be long now, old girl. Soon be there." Soon
CHAPTER 2 The Magic Word

CHAPTER 2 The Magic Word

The pick-up truck lurched down the rough, uneven track and on to a smoother road. Kelly gazed out of the window.They had been travelling for hours and must be a long way from home. But she wasn't scared.She was never scared as long as she was with Simon.
Near the end of a long journey?
Kelly turned to look at Simon, squashed beside her in the back of the truck.He gave her a reassuring grin. "Won't be long now, old girl. Soon be there." Soon be where?
Kelly could tell from his voice their journey was important.This wasn't going to be a holiday: they were here to work. But that suited her fine.There was nothing Kelly enjoyed more than working.Wherever they were going she couldn't wait to get there.
She had started her training when she was only a puppy.To her it was just a game of hide-and-seek.Simon would take her to a quarry or a building site and send one of his friends to hide.This friend took a squeaky toy with him.As soon as Kelly heard it go "Squeak, squeak!" she would rush off in search of the toy.When she had found it she barked to tell Simon how clever she was.Oh, it was a great game! Kelly loved playing hide-and-seek.
But now they had come to western Turkey and it was no longer a game.She wouldn't be searching for a squeaky toy.She would be looking for real live people in need of rescue.
The pick-up came to a sudden stop. "We're here," said Simon.
He opened the door and jumped out. Kelly followed him.Together they stood, looking at the ruined town.All they could see was a twisted mass of concrete and metal.It was hard to believe that people had once lived and worked in this place.Now it looked as if it had been flattened by a gigantic bomb.
The town of Izmit after the earthquake