CHAPTER TWO Looking for Clues
CHAPTER TWO Looking for Clues CHAPTER TWO Looking for Clues Marisol watched her little brother as he skipped down the sidewalk whistling on the way to school. Marisol and Amelia could hardly keep up with him. Marisol called to him to wait for her at the crosswalk. It was illegal to cross against the light. Then she told Amelia how puzzled she was by the change in Rafi. As the students sat in homeroom that morning, an unusual voice came over the PA system. It was Mr. Ham announcing that he woul
CHAPTER TWO Looking for Clues

CHAPTER TWO Looking for Clues
Marisol watched her little brother as he skipped down the sidewalk whistling on the way to school.Marisol and Amelia could hardly keep up with him.Marisol called to him to wait for her at the crosswalk.It was illegal to cross against the light.Then she told Amelia how puzzled she was by the change in Rafi.
As the students sat in homeroom that morning, an unusual voice came over the PA system.It was Mr. Ham announcing that he would be the school principal for the next weekwhile Mr. Alvarez, the real principal, was on jury duty.
Mr. Ham was usually the English teacherand had a reputation for being one of the strictest teachers in the school.Soon after the announcement, a smile came to Marisol's face.She had a plan to check on Rafi, since she knew that Mr. Ham would be busy all that week.Marisol couldn't wait for lunchtime.