Chapter 2 I Want Daisies!
Chapter 2 I Want Daisies! Chapter 2 I Want Daisies! One cold morning when the snow was very, very deep and the wind could not blow any harder, Melina woke and decided she wanted an armful of daisies. Melina knew it was an absolutely, positively crazy idea, but she insisted that Katharine get them now. After all, thought Melina, she and her sister had pledged to break Katharine, and Melina figured this just might do it. Katharine listened to Melina's request and started to protest, but before s
Chapter 2 I Want Daisies!

Chapter 2 I Want Daisies!
One cold morning when the snow was very, very deep and the wind could not blow any harder,Melina woke and decided she wanted an armful of daisies.
Melina knew it was an absolutely, positively crazy idea, but she insisted that Katharine get them now.After all, thought Melina, she and her sister had pledged to break Katharine, and Melina figured this just might do it.
Katharine listened to Melina's request and started to protest, but before she could get a word out,Melina dismissed her with a wave of her plump fingers and a threat.
"If you don't get me daisies, I will kick you out of this house," said Melina."You will be forced to live with the animals in the barn!" Melina was serious.Katharine knew that she would surely die of cold and hunger in the barn. She had to find some daisies.