Chapter 3 I Want Peaches!
Chapter 3 I Want Peaches! Chapter 3 I Want Peaches! Katharine's walk down the mountain took her no time at all. In fact she was warm the entire way. When she walked in the door with an armload of daisies, Melina nearly fainted. She had been positive that Katharine would fail. Melina's surprise quickly turned to anger. "Where did you find the flowers?" demanded Melina. "On the mountain," said Katharine. Melina was so angry she could not speak. Ursula did not like any of this. Katharine shou
Chapter 3 I Want Peaches!

Chapter 3 I Want Peaches!
Katharine's walk down the mountain took her no time at all.In fact she was warm the entire way.
When she walked in the door with an armload of daisies, Melina nearly fainted.She had been positive that Katharine would fail. Melina's surprise quickly turned to anger."Where did you find the flowers?" demanded Melina.
"On the mountain," said Katharine. Melina was so angry she could not speak.
Ursula did not like any of this. Katharine should be up to her neck in snow!Ursula would put an end to her immediately.She looked right into Katharine's eyes and said, "I want ripe peaches!"
In fact she wanted enough ripe peaches to make a pie! Evil glinted in Ursula's eyes.She figured that Katharine would fail to satisfy this impossible request.