Chapter 2 June 25
Chapter 2 June 25 Chapter 2 June 25 Mama and Papa drove back to Chicago yesterday, and I wished that I could have gone home with them. I didn't want to cry, though, so I just waved when they drove away. Just then Bronco walked over and bumped my hand with his head, as if he knew how I felt. He is the only good thing about Texas. June 26 Abuelo says that everyone has to work on a farm. I don't mind doing chores, but when I was carrying a bucket of milk from the barn to the house, I tripped
Chapter 2 June 25

Chapter 2 June 25

Mama and Papa drove back to Chicago yesterday, and I wished that I could have gone home with them.I didn't want to cry, though, so I just waved when they drove away.
Just then Bronco walked over and bumped my hand with his head, as if he knew how I felt.He is the only good thing about Texas.
June 26

Abuelo says that everyone has to work on a farm.I don't mind doing chores, but when I was carrying a bucket of milk from the barn to the house,I tripped on something - probably my own two feet - and spilled the entire bucket of fresh milk all over the path.Abuelo didn't yell at me, thankfully, but I could tell he was upset.
I said that I didn't understand why we couldn't just buy milk at the store.Abuelo stared at me for a minute and then said, "That isn't the way we do things on a farm."I wanted to tell him, "It's the way we do things in a city!"Although those words were running through my head, I knew better than to be disrespectful to Abuelo.Mama and Papa would be so disappointed in me if I ever said something like that, so I didn't say anything at all.
Another one of my chores is to water the garden where Abuela grows beans, corn, and tomatoes.My job is to let the right amount of water flow into different parts of the garden.It's important that I pay attention to what I'm doing because water is limited here.It doesn't rain as much here as it does in Chicago.