Chapter 4 July 20
Chapter 4 July 20 Chapter 4 July 20 Last night Abuelo, Bronco, Alonso, Rumaldo, and I spent the night outside! We put a sheet of plastic on the ground and slept in sleeping bags. We watched the stars for a long time. In Chicago the night sky is bright from the glow of all the streetlights, but here the sky is clear and dark and covered with stars, and fireflies -not light bulbs- brighten the night! At home I got used to the noise of cars constantly speeding down the street, but here we listened
Chapter 4 July 20

Chapter 4 July 20

Last night Abuelo, Bronco, Alonso, Rumaldo, and I spent the night outside!We put a sheet of plastic on the ground and slept in sleeping bags.
We watched the stars for a long time.In Chicago the night sky is bright from the glow of all the streetlights,but here the sky is clear and dark and covered with stars, and fireflies -not light bulbs- brighten the night!At home I got used to the noise of cars constantly speeding down the street, but here we listened to the sounds of the toads and insects.
After I turned off Abuelo's lantern, we told scary stories.Every time we heard a noise, Rumaldo or Alonso would get frightened.I would have been afraid, too, but I had Bronco lying next to me all night.Whenever I got scared, I reached out to pet him and felt his tail wag against my leg.Abuelo looked at me and smiled, and I knew we were safe.
July 23

Abuelo saved me from drowning today!
Because it was raining again this morning, Abuelo wanted to check the waterway that brings water to the melons.While we were next to the waterway, I leaned too far over, and suddenly I fell in! I tried to scream, but water flooded my mouth.
Then I felt Abuelo's big hand grab the back of my shirt, and I realized that he was in the water, too.He lifted me above the water and held me up while the current swept us along.Then he caught a tree branch that was hanging over the waterway, lifting me onto the ground and climbing out after me.We were soaked and muddy, our clothes heavy with the weight of the water, and Abuelo was breathing hard.Once I stopped choking, I looked at him and said, "I can see there are things I don't know about you."That made him laugh, and he hugged me tightly.
July 24

Patricio, my best friend from Chicago, is coming to see me!Mama and Papa are bringing him when they drive down here next week to look for a new house, and I can't wait to show him everything!

July 30