Chapter 2 - Skater for hire
Chapter 2 - Skater for hire Chapter 2 - Skater for hire I needed to buy a proper board but nobody in our family had any money. The gardening was Dad's idea. "I bet Mrs Thompson would let you tidy her garden," he said. Mrs Thompson lived next door and her garden was like a jungle. She was delighted to have it tidied. I worked all day Saturday. I found frogs, snails, half a bicycle and an ant's nest - but no tigers or lions. I also made no money. "Did you tell her you wanted to be paid?"
Chapter 2 - Skater for hire

Chapter 2 - Skater for hire

I needed to buy a proper board but nobody in our family had any money.The gardening was Dad's idea.
"I bet Mrs Thompson would let you tidy her garden," he said.
Mrs Thompson lived next door and her garden was like a jungle.She was delighted to have it tidied.
I worked all day Saturday. I found frogs, snails, half a bicycle and an ant's nest - but no tigers or lions.I also made no money.
"Did you tell her you wanted to be paid?" Dad asked.I had to admit that I'd forgotten that detail.So, after all my hard work, I was no closer to buying my own board.With the competition only a week away, I was getting desperate.