Chapter 7 - The prize
Chapter 7 - The prize Chapter 7 - The prize "You've won!" Cassie screamed when we got back to the skate park. "No, he hasn't. I have!" Brad told her. It seemed that the judges couldn't decide. Some of them thought I should win. Others thought I should still be disqualified. I moved closer to find out what was going on. "Yes, but he used an illegal board," Grumpy was saying. (This wasn't fair because he was the one that told me to use it in the first place!) The crowd started chanting, "B
Chapter 7 - The prize

Chapter 7 - The prize

"You've won!" Cassie screamed when we got back to the skate park.
"No, he hasn't. I have!" Brad told her.
It seemed that the judges couldn't decide. Some of them thought I should win.Others thought I should still be disqualified. I moved closer to find out what was going on.
"Yes, but he used an illegal board," Grumpy was saying.(This wasn't fair because he was the one that told me to use it in the first place!)
The crowd started chanting, "Ben! Ben! Ben!"In the middle of it, you could just about hear Brad chanting, "Brad! Brad! Brad!"
The judges still could not agree.One of them said, "Which board was the Dormer boy riding when he fell off?"