Chapter 2 STRANGE BUMPS Chapter 2 STRANGE BUMPS Owl was in bed. "It is time to blow out the candle and go to sleep," he said with a yawn. Then Owl saw two bumps under his blanket at the bottom of his bed. "What can those strange bumps be?" asked Owl. Owl lifted up the blanket. He looked down into the bed. All he could see was darkness. Owl tried to sleep, but he could not. "What if those two strange bumps grow bigger and bigger while I am asleep?" said Owl. "That would not be pleasant." O


Owl was in bed. "It is time to blow out the candle and go to sleep," he said with a yawn.Then Owl saw two bumps under his blanket at the bottom of his bed."What can those strange bumps be?" asked Owl.
Owl lifted up the blanket. He looked down into the bed.All he could see was darkness. Owl tried to sleep, but he could not.
"What if those two strange bumps grow bigger and bigger while I am asleep?" said Owl."That would not be pleasant."
Owl moved his right foot up and down. The bump on the right moved up and down."One of those bumps is moving!" said Owl. Owl moved his left foot up and down.The bump on the left moved up and down. "The other bump is moving!" cried Owl.
Owl pulled all of the covers off his bed. The bumps were gone.All Owl could see at the bottom of the bed were his own two feet.
"But now I am cold," said Owl. "I will cover myself with the blankets again."