Chapter 2 The Scrap Drive
Chapter 2 The Scrap Drive Chapter 2 The Scrap Drive "Can I use our old wagon to collect items for the scrap drive?" Andrew asked Granddad the next morning. "Only if we fix the wheel first," replied Granddad. When it was fixed, Andrew wanted to test it. "Use the wagon to drop these tomatoes off at Mrs. Gleeson's house if you like. She lives at Number 54." Andrew knew where Mrs. Gleeson lived. She made the best stewed tomatoes. She also adored music. Music from her record player often soare
Chapter 2 The Scrap Drive

Chapter 2 The Scrap Drive
"Can I use our old wagon to collect items for the scrap drive?"Andrew asked Granddad the next morning.
"Only if we fix the wheel first," replied Granddad.When it was fixed, Andrew wanted to test it.
"Use the wagon to drop these tomatoes off at Mrs. Gleeson's house if you like. She lives at Number 54."
Andrew knew where Mrs. Gleeson lived.She made the best stewed tomatoes. She also adored music.Music from her record player often soared out the window as Andrew passed her house.Sometimes he glimpsed her dancing.
Andrew put both Emily and the tomatoes into the wagon.He towed them down the street to Number 54.
"More tomatoes!" Mrs. Gleeson squealed with delight."How lovely!" She invited the children inside and poured them homemade lemonade.As she handed him a glass, Mrs. Gleeson asked Andrew what sort of music he liked.
"I'm not really sure," he said shyly.
"Have you heard the Andrews Sisters?" Mrs. Gleeson asked.When Andrew answered no, Mrs. Gleeson exclaimed that he simply must listen to her new record.