Chapter 3
Chapter 3 Chapter 3 The kids waded back into the river. A few minutes later, they were squishing their way up River Road to Ron's Bait Shop. Ron Pinkowski lived in an old house next to the river. On the ground floor, he sold bait, boating supplies, and groceries. He also repaired and painted boats and fixed boat motors. The kids trudged down a dusty driveway to the house. Several small boats were lined up in Mr. Pinkowski's big yard along the riverbank. A striped cat slept on the back step.
Chapter 3

Chapter 3
The kids waded back into the river. A few minutes later,they were squishing their way up River Road to Ron's Bait Shop.
Ron Pinkowski lived in an old house next to the river.On the ground floor, he sold bait, boating supplies, and groceries.He also repaired and painted boats and fixed boat motors.
The kids trudged down a dusty driveway to the house.Several small boats were lined up in Mr. Pinkowski's big yard along the riverbank.A striped cat slept on the back step. Out the back door trailed a long orange extension cord.The kids followed the cord around the side of the house.
They spotted Mr. Pinkowski under a shady tree, sanding a boat bottom. "Hi, Mr. P," Dink said.
Ron Pinkowski switched off the electric sander.He was tall and sandy-haired, and sported a curly beard and droopy mustache.
"Well, hi, kids. What're you up to today?" he asked, smiling.
Ruth Rose pulled the hundred-dollar bill out of her pocket."I just found this on Squaw Island," she said.
"Goodness," Ron said. "Aren't you a lucky gal!"
"We saw some marks in the sand from a boat," Dink said.
"And some footprints, too," Josh added. "Really big ones!"
"We think whoever was out there might have lost the money," Ruth Rose said.
"Hmm, wonder who it could been." Ron leaned against the boat and tugged on his beard."Not many folks go out there. The poison ivy grows somethin' fierce in all that sand."
"Yeah, and I think I walked right through some!" Josh said, scratching his leg.
Ron smiled. "All I have to do is look at the stuff and I swell up like a balloon," he said.
"Could we leave a note here about the money?" Ruth Rose asked.
"Good idea, Ruth Rose. I'll stick it up near my bait tanks."
The kids followed Ron into his bait shop, where he handed Ruth Rose a pencil and pad.