CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 3 Josh burst through the barn doors first. Dink and Ruth Rose barreled in right behind him. Josh immediately pounced on the cookie tin. He opened it, then gasped. "Call the cops!" he yelled. "I've been robbed!" Dink grinned at his friend. "What'd they take, your brain?" "Worse," Josh said, peering into the empty cookie tin. "They took my cookies!" "Hey, my piggy bank is missing!" Ruth Rose said. "I left it right on my sleeping bag." Dink poked his hand into the open

Josh burst through the barn doors first. Dink and Ruth Rose barreled in right behind him.
Josh immediately pounced on the cookie tin. He opened it, then gasped."Call the cops!" he yelled. "I've been robbed!"
Dink grinned at his friend. "What'd they take, your brain?"
"Worse," Josh said, peering into the empty cookie tin. "They took my cookies!"
"Hey, my piggy bank is missing!" Ruth Rose said. "I left it right on my sleeping bag."
Dink poked his hand into the opening of his sleeping bag.He felt around. "My money jar isn't here, either!" he said.
Josh pulled open his sleeping bag. "Now I'm really mad!" he said. "My money sock is gone!"
Josh looked at his friends. "Someone snuck in here while we were gone," he said.
"Raccoons might have taken the cookies," Ruth Rose said, glancing around the barn.
"And I read that crows sometimes steal shiny coins," Dink offered.
Suddenly Josh grinned. "No, it wasn't raccoons or crows," he said, wiggling his eyebrows."I think it was two little monkeys!" "The twins!" shouted Dink and Ruth Rose at the same time.