Chapter 3 Freeing the Chinook
Chapter 3 Freeing the Chinook Chapter 3 Freeing the Chinook "I have the bag," said Coyote, "but Bear has tied it very tightly. It will not be easy to free the Chinook." "You and Weasel have the strongest jaws," said the boy. "If you each grab hold of the bag and pull as hard as you can, you may be able to tear the bag open." Coyote and Weasel tried, but the elk skin was too strong. Next, Owl and Magpie took turns trying to peck holes in the bag, but with no success. Then the boy tried to unt
Chapter 3 Freeing the Chinook

Chapter 3 Freeing the Chinook
"I have the bag," said Coyote, "but Bear has tied it very tightly.It will not be easy to free the Chinook."
"You and Weasel have the strongest jaws," said the boy."If you each grab hold of the bag and pull as hard as you can, you may be able to tear the bag open."
Coyote and Weasel tried, but the elk skin was too strong.Next, Owl and Magpie took turns trying to peck holes in the bag, but with no success.Then the boy tried to untie the bag, but his fingers were too clumsy.
They were all out of ideas. Just then, a timid prairie chicken approached the group.
"I don't mean to interfere," said Prairie Chicken, "but I may be able help.I think I can unpick the stitches with my sharp beak."
The friends agreed, and they each held their breath while Prairie Chicken worked at unpicking the stitches.Finally, the stitches came undone and the bag opened.With a mighty whooshing sound, the Chinook escaped.