Chapter 3 - Robo-Rex vs Metallix
Chapter 3 - Robo-Rex vs Metallix Chapter 3 - Robo-Rex vs Metallix The children's eyes took a moment to adjust to the gloom after coming in from the brightly lit foyer. The film was being shown on Screen 1, the biggest screen. But there were only four seats left, right at the front. "We're going to get neck ache," complained Cat. She had to lean back in her seat just to see the screen. "I don't care," said Tiger. He was grinning so much his face hurt. The children put on their 3D glasses as
Chapter 3 - Robo-Rex vs Metallix

Chapter 3 - Robo-Rex vs Metallix

The children's eyes took a moment to adjust to the gloom after coming in from the brightly lit foyer.The film was being shown on Screen 1, the biggest screen.But there were only four seats left, right at the front.
"We're going to get neck ache," complained Cat.She had to lean back in her seat just to see the screen.
"I don't care," said Tiger. He was grinning so much his face hurt.
The children put on their 3D glasses as the lights started to dim.
"This is going to be great!" said Max excitedly.
"Shh!" hissed a woman behind them. "Sorry." said Max, blushing.
Suddenly there was a giant roar. Cat jumped, spilling her popcorn over Ant.
On-screen, a meteorite shot forwards ... it looked as if it was coming right out of the screen.The meteorite crashed to Earth.It cracked open and Metallix, a giant monster robot, stomped out.It had been sent by evil warlords from another planet.It looked like the Earth was doomed.Robo-Rex II was about to face his biggest challenge yet...