Chapter 3 Sal and the Three Bears
Chapter 3 Sal and the Three Bears Chapter 3 Sal and the Three Bears As Sal jumped, the tree broke under the bear's weight. They hit the ground together. Sal stood up, but the bear just lay there. "Are you all right?" Sal asked, but the bear didn't move. Even when Sal stroked its paw, it didn't move. Then she noticed a big rock beside the bear's head. "Oh, no!" cried Sal. "The bear hit its head. It's dead! Those poor cubs have no mother!" She opened her mouth and gave a long, loud howl. B
Chapter 3 Sal and the Three Bears

Chapter 3 Sal and the Three Bears

As Sal jumped, the tree broke under the bear's weight.They hit the ground together. Sal stood up, but the bear just lay there.
"Are you all right?" Sal asked, but the bear didn't move.Even when Sal stroked its paw, it didn't move.Then she noticed a big rock beside the bear's head.
"Oh, no!" cried Sal. "The bear hit its head.It's dead! Those poor cubs have no mother!"She opened her mouth and gave a long, loud howl.
Back at the cabin, Sal's mother was cooking dinner on the woodstove.She looked up when she heard Sal's cry and smiled."Sounds like our Sal's having another adventure," she said.
Out on the wide Mississippi River, Mike Fink grinned at his men on the keelboat."That's my daughter!" he said proudly.