Chapter 3 Samuel Chatham
Chapter 3 Samuel Chatham Chapter 3 Samuel Chatham It wasn't long before Josie's next customer came knocking on her door. Introducing himself as Samuel Chatham, he wore oilskin boots and a fisherman's cap. So it came as no surprise when he told Josie he was a fisherman. Chatham gloated that, as a seaman, he'd made the ocean journey just fine. The first day or two, Josie took things easy, so she could focus on sizing him up. "How's the fishing?" she began. "To be honest," said Chatham, "the wa
Chapter 3 Samuel Chatham

Chapter 3 Samuel Chatham
It wasn't long before Josie's next customer came knocking on her door.Introducing himself as Samuel Chatham, he wore oilskin boots and a fisherman's cap.So it came as no surprise when he told Josie he was a fisherman.Chatham gloated that, as a seaman, he'd made the ocean journey just fine.
The first day or two, Josie took things easy, so she could focus on sizing him up."How's the fishing?" she began.
"To be honest," said Chatham, "the waters in my area are getting a bit crowded.There are too many boats and not enough fish in my catch.But when I bring home that gold - what a fleet I'll build.What glorious catches I shall net!"
Now, Josie planned her surest route - skirting flooded lowlands and mountain passes currently occupied by bands of thieves.