Chapter 3 The Big Picture
Chapter 3 The Big Picture Chapter 3 The Big Picture A few days after the party, Manuel called Grandma. He had not stopped thinking about the photos she had promised to show him. Manuel really wanted to see them, and he wanted Vincent to see them too. If Vincent had not made that remark about family gatherings being cool, maybe none of this would be happening. "Is it okay if I come over, Grandma?" Manuel asked. "Of course, Manuel, come anytime!" said Grandma. "Can I bring my friend Vincent
Chapter 3 The Big Picture

Chapter 3 The Big Picture
A few days after the party, Manuel called Grandma.He had not stopped thinking about the photos she had promised to show him.Manuel really wanted to see them, and he wanted Vincent to see them too.If Vincent had not made that remark about family gatherings being cool,maybe none of this would be happening.
"Is it okay if I come over, Grandma?" Manuel asked.
"Of course, Manuel, come anytime!" said Grandma.
"Can I bring my friend Vincent? You've met him before."Manuel did not have to explain any more.
"Oh, yes, I remember Vincent. He's the one with the very short hair," Grandma jumped in."I look forward to seeing you both.Now I'll search for those old photos. Hasta pronto!"
Then Manuel called Vincent. "Do you still want to come with me to my grandma's this afternoon?" he asked."Grandma says it's fine, and Mama will drop us off on her way to the store."
"Let me ask my mom, but I'm sure it'll be okay," replied Vincent.When he came back to the phone, he announced, "I'm on my way!"