Chapter 3 Worried Witness
Chapter 3 Worried Witness Chapter 3 Worried Witness After lunch the next day, Ms. Smith called Julia to her desk and said, "I found this envelope and it's addressed to the ‘advice column girl.' I think it might be your very first letter asking for advice." Julia quickly returned to her desk and opened the letter. Dear Julia, I think I might know who took Ms. Smith's book. I saw something that I shouldn't have seen, and I'm afraid I'll get in trouble if I tell. What do you think I should do?
Chapter 3 Worried Witness

Chapter 3 Worried Witness

After lunch the next day, Ms. Smith called Julia to her desk and said,"I found this envelope and it's addressed to the ‘advice column girl.'I think it might be your very first letter asking for advice."
Julia quickly returned to her desk and opened the letter.
Dear Julia, I think I might know who took Ms. Smith's book.I saw something that I shouldn't have seen, and I'm afraid I'll get in trouble if I tell.What do you think I should do?I want Ms. Smith to get her book back, but I don't want to get in trouble.
Signed, Worried Witness
After school Julia showed the letter to Gladys and exclaimed, "This is great! Now I have a real mystery to solve!"
"Better yet," Gladys added, "now I'll have something interesting to write about for my column!"