Chapter 2 How Can Julia Help?
Chapter 2 How Can Julia Help? Chapter 2 How Can Julia Help? That night Julia told her family about her new advice column. She was sure they could give her lots of helpful hints about writing it. "What a fantastic idea!" said her mother. "You'll be great at writing an advice column because you're so good at helping people," Julia's grandmother added. "But how will I get people to write to me so that I can give them my advice?" asked Julia. "The newspaper is for the whole school, but only the
Chapter 2 How Can Julia Help?

Chapter 2 How Can Julia Help?

That night Julia told her family about her new advice column.She was sure they could give her lots of helpful hints about writing it.
"What a fantastic idea!" said her mother.
"You'll be great at writing an advice column because you're so good at helping people," Julia's grandmother added.
"But how will I get people to write to me so that I can give them my advice?" asked Julia."The newspaper is for the whole school, but only the people in my class know about it."
"I'd be happy to help you make some posters to advertise your column," suggested Teresa, Julia's older sister."Tomorrow before school starts, you can hang them up in the hallways."
Happily, Julia accepted her sister's help. "Thanks, Teresa!"