CHAPTER 3 The Bird of Truth
CHAPTER 3 The Bird of Truth CHAPTER 3 The Bird of Truth When the twins heard about the crystal cradle, they gasped in astonishment. Their adoptive parents had told them the story of how they were found. "I can't believe it!" whispered the girl to her brother. "If we hadn't learned the language of the birds, we might never have found out," he replied. One of the country swallows said, "Why don't the children return to their father and set their mother free?" "They won't be able to prove who
CHAPTER 3 The Bird of Truth

CHAPTER 3 The Bird of Truth
When the twins heard about the crystal cradle, they gasped in astonishment.Their adoptive parents had told them the story of how they were found."I can't believe it!" whispered the girl to her brother.
"If we hadn't learned the language of the birds, we might never have found out," he replied.
One of the country swallows said, "Why don't the children return to their father and set their mother free?"
"They won't be able to prove who they are," said the palace swallow."The only way things can ever be put right is if the king consults the Bird of Truth.But she's trapped in a castle. A giant keeps her locked in a large cage with the Birds of Bad Faith.They make so much noise that she cannot be heard."
"Where is this castle?" cried the swallows.
"I don't know," replied the palace swallow sadly.
"Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear," said the birds.
The twins knew what they had to do.
At daybreak, the twins set off to find the giant's castle.They wanted to free the Bird of Truth.The countryside became bleaker and lonelier, but there was still no sign of the castle.They threw themselves to the ground in despair.Suddenly, they heard movement in the tree above them. It was a turtledove.
"Oh dove," the boy cried, using the bird's language, "please help us.We need to find the castle where the Bird of Truth is caged."
"Follow the wind," said the dove. "Today it's blowing toward the castle.If it pities you, it will blow steadily."
They thanked the bird and followed the wind.It blew and blew, guiding the children until they came to a large and gloomy castle.The doors were wide open, but the children still hesitated.The castle was as quiet as a grave. They were very frightened.Unsure of what to do next, they hid behind a lone olive tree near the castle door.