Chapter 3 Three Ways to Stop a Bear
Chapter 3 Three Ways to Stop a Bear Chapter 3 Three Ways to Stop a Bear Sunlight sliced across Chandra's pillow. She threw her arm over her eyes. The first thing that came to her mind was the bear. She needed to deal with the bear. She roused herself and went downstairs. She turned on the computer and found the Web site for the state department of conservation. She wrote down phone numbers for three regional offices and glanced at their wildlife news bulletin board. A man answered at the region
Chapter 3 Three Ways to Stop a Bear

Chapter 3 Three Ways to Stop a Bear
Sunlight sliced across Chandra's pillow. She threw her arm over her eyes.The first thing that came to her mind was the bear. She needed to deal with the bear.She roused herself and went downstairs.She turned on the computer and found the Web site for the state department of conservation.She wrote down phone numbers for three regional offices and glanced at their wildlife news bulletin board.
A man answered at the regional office. "Roy Barstow here."
"I'm calling to report a bear eating the trash in my backyard," she said.
"Well," he said, "just four weeks until bear season." "I don't want to shoot it," she said.
"I see. Well, if it comes back again, we can use a non-lethal method of deterrence." He paused."We can shoot at it with rubber bullets and pepper spray and blast noise right in its earso it never wants to come near your house again.But the first thing you should do is clean up your trash. Is your trash bin plastic?" he asked.
"Yes." "There's your problem."