Chapter 4
Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Back at the Cup Final, things weren't going well for Pippa. Her legs hurt. She was wet and muddy and the boots were killing her. There were two minutes left. The score was 2-2, but Pippa didn't care. She just wanted the game to end so that she could go home. The Blues' goalkeeper kicked the ball out. It bounced straight to Pippa. She wasn't pleased to see it. 'Go away!' she shouted crossly and gave the ball a mighty kick. To her surprise the ball soared through the air
Chapter 4

Chapter 4
Back at the Cup Final, things weren't going well for Pippa. Her legs hurt.She was wet and muddy and the boots were killing her.There were two minutes left. The score was 2-2, but Pippa didn't care.She just wanted the game to end so that she could go home.
The Blues' goalkeeper kicked the ball out.It bounced straight to Pippa. She wasn't pleased to see it.
'Go away!' she shouted crossly and gave the ball a mighty kick.
To her surprise the ball soared through the air towards the Blues' goal.The goalkeeper dived - but the ball hit the back of the net.
'Goal!' shouted the Rovers. 'What a goal!'