Chapter 4 Cats and Gowns
Chapter 4 Cats and Gowns Chapter 4 Cats and Gowns I skipped in the door of Room Nine. Then my whole face got happy. 'Cause guess who was talking to my teacher? It was Gus Vallony, that's who! And Gus Vallony is my favorite janitor! I zoomed right over to that guy. "Gus Vallony! Gus Vallony! It is a joy to see you!" I said. "And so what brings you here, anyway?" Gus Vallony patted my head. "I had an important delivery to make, sis," he said. Just then, my bestest friend Lucille came fun
Chapter 4 Cats and Gowns

Chapter 4 Cats and Gowns
I skipped in the door of Room Nine. Then my whole face got happy.
'Cause guess who was talking to my teacher? It was Gus Vallony, that's who!
And Gus Vallony is my favorite janitor! I zoomed right over to that guy.
"Gus Vallony! Gus Vallony! It is a joy to see you!" I said."And so what brings you here, anyway?"
Gus Vallony patted my head. "I had an important delivery to make, sis," he said.
Just then, my bestest friend Lucille came funning up to me.
She pointed to a big stack of boxes.It's cats and gowns, Junie B.!"She shouted. "Gus Vallony brought us cats and gowns!" She twirled me all around.
"I heard him talking to the teacher! The cats and gowns are right there in those boxes!Everyone is getting one for graduation!" she said.
I jumped up and down at that wonderful news!
'Cause who doesn't love cats? That's what I would like to know!
"Cats and gowns!" I hollered. "Cats and gowns!" hollered Room Nine.
Mrs. sat down in her chair real slow.Then Gus Vallony patted her shoulder. And he said the word good luck.
Mrs. said for Room Nine to please stop shouting,
"I'm sorry, boys and girls. But Lucille did not hear me correctly," she said."No one in Room Nine is getting a cat and gown for graduation."
Room Nine did a loud groan. "Then what are we getting, exactly?" 1 asked.
"Caps and gowns," said Mrs. "You're all getting a cap and gown for graduation. Not cat and gown."
"No, no, no!" said Lucille. "I heard you say cat, Teacher! I know I did! I know I did!"
Mrs. said for Lucille to hush. Then she passed out the boxes to all the children.
I looked inside my box real curious.
Then I kept looking and looking. Because something was not right in there.
"My cap got run over by a truck, I think," I said. "It is a big, square flatso." Mrs. laughed.
Then she came to my table. And she folded my cap. And she put it right on my head.
"Hey! What do you know! It fits!" I said.