Chapter 4 Snow!
Chapter 4 Snow! Chapter 4 Snow! Heesoo pointed toward the top of a tall oak tree that stood higher than all of the houses and asked, "Isn't that the tree in the front yard of the Senior Citizens' Center?" Woojin and Heesoo pedaled toward the tall tree as fast as they could. Soon both boys were sweating from riding their bikes so long and so hard on such a warm day. "I'm hot, Woojin," Heesoo complained, "and thirsty." "You can get something to drink later," Woojin said. "Right now we have t
Chapter 4 Snow!

Chapter 4 Snow!
Heesoo pointed toward the top of a tall oak tree that stood higher than all of the houses and asked,"Isn't that the tree in the front yard of the Senior Citizens' Center?"
Woojin and Heesoo pedaled toward the tall tree as fast as they could.Soon both boys were sweating from riding their bikes so long and so hard on such a warm day.
"I'm hot, Woojin," Heesoo complained, "and thirsty."
"You can get something to drink later," Woojin said."Right now we have to go warn Dad about the weather box."
Suddenly they saw a bright flash streak across the sky."Look!" said Heesoo, pointing up at an enormous white cloud forming over the oak tree.With a loud boom, the cloud exploded into thousands of little white flakes.
"It's snowing!" Heesoo yelled excitedly.