Chapter 4 Too Much Hair
Chapter 4 Too Much Hair Chapter 4 Too Much Hair It took Gabriela over an hour to fix Brava, but Emilio helped her, so the work went quickly. "I think I gave her bad directions," Gabriela said as Emilio dried Brava's arms with a big, fluffy towel. "I told her to wash everything in the sink that was oily. Brava is oily, so she must have decided to wash herself, too! Then the soapy water broke her motor, and she stopped working." "We'll just have to be more careful next time," Emilio said. "N
Chapter 4 Too Much Hair

Chapter 4 Too Much Hair
It took Gabriela over an hour to fix Brava, but Emilio helped her, so the work went quickly.
"I think I gave her bad directions," Gabriela said as Emilio dried Brava's arms with a big, fluffy towel."I told her to wash everything in the sink that was oily.Brava is oily, so she must have decided to wash herself, too!Then the soapy water broke her motor, and she stopped working."
"We'll just have to be more careful next time," Emilio said.