CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER 5 A hand on his shoulder woke Dink from a sound sleep. The light next to his bed was on. The Black Stallion lay on the bedcovers, still opened. Through sleepy eyes, he looked into his uncle's face. "Morning, Donny," Uncle Warren said quietly. "Time to get up." "Hi, Uncle Warren," Dink said. "You boys have to hop to it," Uncle Warren said. "Forest wants to get on the road right after breakfast." He smiled at Dink and left the room. Dink tossed his pillow over at Josh's b

A hand on his shoulder woke Dink from a sound sleep.The light next to his bed was on. The Black Stallion lay on the bedcovers, still opened.
Through sleepy eyes, he looked into his uncle's face.
"Morning, Donny," Uncle Warren said quietly. "Time to get up." "Hi, Uncle Warren," Dink said.
"You boys have to hop to it," Uncle Warren said."Forest wants to get on the road right after breakfast." He smiled at Dink and left the room.
Dink tossed his pillow over at Josh's bed, then walked into the bathroom.Josh grumbled, but soon they were both dressed and headed for the kitchen.
Forest and Ruth Rose were sitting at the table eating oatmeal.Uncle Warren took a pot off the stove and filled bowls for Dink and Josh.
"Everyone sleep all right?" Forest asked.
"I did," Ruth Rose said. She spooned some brown sugar over her cereal.Today her color was purple: purple leggings, purple blouse, purple headband, purple sneakers.
"Me too," Dink said. "Except for Josh's snoring all night."
They ate quickly, then left the house and piled into Forest's car.Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose sat in the backseat.They each had their books, and Josh had brought his pillow.
Forest turned out of his driveway and drove through Larchmont.After making a few turns, he was on a wide highway.Dink saw a sign that said Albany, 120 Miles.
A few hours later, they arrived in Saratoga Springs. Forest pulled his car into a parking lot.
They all climbed out of the car and stretched their legs.Under tall trees, Dink saw long green barns.Near the barns, men and women were grooming horses,feeding horses, exercising horses. There were horses everywhere!
Ruth Rose took pictures of horses and one of a barn with the sun shining on the green wood.
"Let's go find Sunny," Forest suggested. "She'll be in barn E. Stall number twenty-one."