Chapter 5 Always
Chapter 5 Always Chapter 5 Always In the late afternoon Grasshopper saw a mushroom. It was growing at the edge of the road. "I will rest my feet," he said. Grasshopper sat on the mushroom. Three butterflies flew down. "Grasshopper," said the butterflies, "you will have to move." "Yes," said the first butterfly. "You are sitting on our place. Every afternoon at this time, we fly to this mushroom. We sit down on it for a while." "There are lots of other mushrooms," said Grasshopper.
Chapter 5 Always

Chapter 5 Always

In the late afternoon Grasshopper saw a mushroom.It was growing at the edge of the road.
"I will rest my feet," he said.
Grasshopper sat on the mushroom.Three butterflies flew down.
"Grasshopper," said the butterflies, "you will have to move."
"Yes," said the first butterfly. "You are sitting on our place.
Every afternoon at this time, we fly to this mushroom.
We sit down on it for a while.""There are lots of other mushrooms," said Grasshopper.
"They will not do," said the second butterfly.
"This is the mushroom we always sit on." Grasshopper got up.The three butterflies sat down.
"Each and every day we do the same thing at the same time," said the third butterfly.
"We like it that way."
"We wake up in the morning," said the first butterfly.
"We scratch our heads three times."