Chapter 5 And the winner is...
Chapter 5 And the winner is... Chapter 5 And the winner is... On Friday, Mr Hart packed up all of the treasure that the class had found. He put it into a big cardboard box. 'The competition closes today,' he said. 'I'll drop this off at the newspaper after school. Does anyone have anything else?' Everyone shook their heads. Then Omar felt a coin in his back pocket. It was the one Barker had found. 'Kerry's dog found this,' he said, passing the coin to Mr Hart. 'It's another cornflake coin!
Chapter 5 And the winner is...

Chapter 5 And the winner is...

On Friday, Mr Hart packed up all of the treasure that the class had found.He put it into a big cardboard box. 'The competition closes today,' he said.'I'll drop this off at the newspaper after school.Does anyone have anything else?' Everyone shook their heads.

Then Omar felt a coin in his back pocket. It was the one Barker had found.
'Kerry's dog found this,' he said, passing the coin to Mr Hart.
'It's another cornflake coin!' called Matt Thorn. Everyone laughed.
'Why did you have to bring that out?' hissed Kerry crossly.
A few days later, the whole school was packed into the hall. A tall woman stood up.
'My name is Clare Fenton,' she said. 'I'm the editor of the local newspaper.I'm very glad to tell you that someone from this school has won our buried treasure competition.'