Chapter 5 - Blast Off!
Chapter 5 - Blast Off! Chapter 5 - Blast Off! One of the grown-ups was Aisha. The second grown-up was Mr Grey. The third was a photographer who had come to take photographs for publicity posters and for the museum's new website. They came right up to the glass wall. The children could see Mr Grey peering at the display. "Psst, do you think they can see us?" whispered Cat. "They're very close!" "We should be OK," Max whispered back. "As long as we stay still." After a few moments Tiger hiss
Chapter 5 - Blast Off!

Chapter 5 - Blast Off!

One of the grown-ups was Aisha. The second grown-up was Mr Grey.The third was a photographer who had come to take photographs for publicity posters and for the museum's new website.They came right up to the glass wall.The children could see Mr Grey peering at the display.

"Psst, do you think they can see us?" whispered Cat. "They're very close!"
"We should be OK," Max whispered back. "As long as we stay still."
After a few moments Tiger hissed, "Please hurry up ... I've got to move soon."
"It's all right, they're not looking this way any more," said Ant. "Phew!"
The four friends unfroze and quickly ducked behind the seats to hide.