Chapter 6 - One giant leap
Chapter 6 - One giant leap Chapter 6 - One giant leap Ant needn't have worried. Tiger was the best at pretending. He climbed out of the spaceship and stepped on to the red sand of the pretend Mars. Then he slowly turned round to the others and gave them a big grin. "That's a small step for a boy,"he whispered. "But it's one giant leap for Tiger!” "Remember, guys, the gravity on Mars is weaker than on Earth,"Ant whispered back. "We all need to move slowly!” They set up the scientific equipm
Chapter 6 - One giant leap

Chapter 6 - One giant leap

Ant needn't have worried. Tiger was the best at pretending.He climbed out of the spaceship and stepped on to the red sand of the pretend Mars.Then he slowly turned round to the others and gave them a big grin.
"That's a small step for a boy,"he whispered. "But it's one giant leap for Tiger!”
"Remember, guys, the gravity on Mars is weaker than on Earth,"Ant whispered back."We all need to move slowly!”
They set up the scientific equipment round the spaceship.Ant had to admit that it all looked pretty authentic and everyone was moving in the right way.
"I think it's working, Ant!"said Cat. She nodded in the direction of the glass wall."The boss from SuperCorp definitely looks very impressed.”
Ant took a quick peek at the grown-ups. The boss was staring keenly at the display.
"That's amazing,"they heard him say. "It's unbelievable.”
"Yes, indeed,"said Aisha, her eyes almost popping out of her head.
Suddenly the children heard the humming noise again."Oh, no!"said Max. We should have thought about that-the spaceship is programmed to make the return journey to Earth.Quick, everyone - we'd better get back on board.”
They hurried on to the spaceship, and the hold doors slammed shut behind them.Then the voice started the countdown once more, "Five, four, three, two, one ...”They blasted off, leaving the surface of Mars behind them.