The Trickster Jackal
The Trickster Jackal The Trickster Jackal Chapter 1 The Crafty Jackal and the Proud Hyena Locate Eastern South Africa on a globe. That's where this trickster tale takes place. The Xhosa people of that area tell the story about why the jackal and hyena steer clear of one another. Hyena was a very proud and boastful animal. He thought himself much better than the other animals. But he did care about what they thought of him. He longed for their praise. It annoyed Hyena that the other animals
The Trickster Jackal

The Trickster Jackal

Chapter 1 The Crafty Jackal and the Proud Hyena
Locate Eastern South Africa on a globe.That's where this trickster tale takes place.The Xhosa people of that area tell the story about why the jackal and hyena steer clear of one another.
Hyena was a very proud and boastful animal.He thought himself much better than the other animals.But he did care about what they thought of him. He longed for their praise.It annoyed Hyena that the other animals didn't give him the respect he felt he deserved.
Perhaps, he thought, if I were a prince, then the others might see how special I truly am.
But how could he become a prince?
The only way he could think of was to marry a princess.He trotted off to the chief's home, which was called The Great Place,to propose to the chief's daughter, Princess Zukisa.
Jackal, who lived nearby, found it hilarious to watch Hyena prancing around with his snout in the air.He thought Hyena was a conceited fool.When Jackal saw Hyena heading toward The Great Place, he asked where he was going.
"It's none of your business," Hyena replied,"but, if you really must know, I am going to ask Princess Zukisa to be my bride."
Jackal found this news very amusing.He rolled over in the tall grass emitting howls of laughter, his legs kicking with hilarity.
"I fail to see the humor in it," Hyena said stiffly."I am descended from noble hyenas who have hunted the African savannah for generations.Why would the princess not want to marry a fine example of animal perfection such as myself? I see no reason why not."
While Jackal laughed, Hyena walked off, highly insulted.If there was one thing Hyena could not stand, it was being laughed at.When it came to himself, he had absolutely no sense of humor.