Chapter 5 Stuck!
Chapter 5 Stuck! Chapter 5 Stuck! Mr. Green was arranging the piles of apples in his window. "My goodness! A cat in a hat! It must be Mary-Anne's kitten," he said, as Muffin flew past. Then, "Josh and Harry in a hurry. What is going on? I must go out and see." Muffin ran as fast as he could but he was only a kitten. He could still hear Nip behind him, panting hard. In front of him was a tree. He leapt onto the trunk. He scrabbled with his claws. The next moment, he was perched on a hig
Chapter 5 Stuck!

Chapter 5 Stuck!

Mr. Green was arranging the piles of apples in his window.
"My goodness! A cat in a hat! It must be Mary-Anne's kitten," he said, as Muffin flew past.
Then, "Josh and Harry in a hurry. What is going on? I must go out and see."
Muffin ran as fast as he could but he was only a kitten.He could still hear Nip behind him, panting hard.
In front of him was a tree. He leapt onto the trunk. He scrabbled with his claws.
The next moment, he was perched on a high branch, looking down on Nip.
Nip sat under the tree and waited. Harry and Josh arrived next.They were out of breath and cross with each other.Mary-Anne and the pram arrived last. She was out of breath, too. She looked up.
Oh no! Muffin's right up the tree. We'll never reach him!
"Come to me, Muffin," cooed Mary-Anne. "You're quite safe now."
Come down darling Muffin! Here puss puss!
I've got some nice rat pie for you!
Muffin stayed where he was.
Mrs. Belling had finished her shopping. She was with Mrs. Whiting and they both saw the children.