Chapter 5 The Creature from Copernicus Crater
Chapter 5 The Creature from Copernicus Crater Chapter 5 The Creature from Copernicus Crater Miguel sat down on the floor. Life was tough on the prairie, especially for women. He never imagined westerns were so interesting! It was getting late, but Miguel had to try one more book. A small book with a silver moon on the cover called The Creature from Copernicus Crater grabbed his attention. Science fiction? he thought.That's weird, the first chapter starts on page 214. Miguel began to read,
Chapter 5 The Creature from Copernicus Crater

Chapter 5 The Creature from Copernicus Crater
Miguel sat down on the floor.Life was tough on the prairie, especially for women.He never imagined westerns were so interesting!It was getting late, but Miguel had to try one more book.
A small book with a silver moon on the cover called The Creature from Copernicus Crater grabbed his attention.
Science fiction? he thought.That's weird, the first chapter starts on page 214.
Miguel began to read, "Colonel Chan guarded the underground lunar outpost.He hadn't seen another living thing for two years until..."Suddenly the words streamed together.
Miguel shivered and closed his eyes.The air seeping into his nostrils smelled artificial, like the air at a hospital.Computers beeped in the distance.Miguel opened his eyes to find himself in an underground laboratory.Countertops were jammed with high-tech equipment - cameras, scanners, and other strange contraptions.Jars full of rocks, dust, and liquids filled the shelves.Miguel picked up a jar and read: Copernicus Crater Lunar Rocks.
"Lunar rocks?" Miguel whispered. "I'm on the moon!"
Miguel raced out the lab's door and through long, silent corridors, hoping to find a view of the moon.He followed the red lights that dotted the floor.He pushed open a door that read "Exit Room."Something beeped in the pocket of his jumpsuit.Miguel pulled out a radio communicator.
"Colonel Chan?" a woman said. "This is Mission Control."
Miguel pressed the red button and tried to sound official. "This is Colonel Chan."
"This is Colonel Lundy," she said."We need you to get outside now and investigate some strange activity near the crater."
Miguel gulped. Being on the moon alone would be terrifying!
"Get out there now, and report back what you find." Colonel Lundy said.
I can do it, he told himself as he tried to figure out how to work the spacesuit.After all, I'm an astronaut now.
He put on his helmet, engaged the door, and stepped out onto the moon . . .
The sky was deep black. Miguel stepped forward and hopped into the air.Lunar gravity made him as light as a feather!I must weigh less than twenty pounds! he thought.
He leaped and jumped across the silvery gray hills, leaving boot marks in the dust.He looked up and stopped dead in his tracks.There in the sky hung a crescent-shaped Earth!