Navajo Legends
Navajo Legends Navajo Legends Introduction The Navajo are one of the largest Native American Nations in North America. The ancestors of the Navajo lived in northwestern Canada and Alaska. More than 1,000 years ago, the Navajo began moving south. They settled in the southwestern part of the United States where the present-day states of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona meet. The land is made up of plains, wind-swept cliffs, and high mountains. Spider Rock, the world's tallest natural s
Navajo Legends

Navajo Legends
The Navajo are one of the largest Native American Nations in North America.The ancestors of the Navajo lived in northwestern Canada and Alaska.More than 1,000 years ago, the Navajo began moving south.They settled in the southwestern part of the United Stateswhere the present-day states of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona meet.The land is made up of plains, wind-swept cliffs, and high mountains.
Spider Rock, the world's tallest natural spire, is located here in Canyon de Chelly (da SHAY) National Park in Arizona.This amazing red sandstone spire, which soars over 800 feet (244 meters) high, has an important place in Navajo mythology.It is the home of Spider Woman.
The Navajo once lived in caves in the cliff walls of canyons.These caves were high enough above the floor of the canyon for the people to be safe from enemies and dangerous floods.
Some of the Navajo legends, such as the two that follow, revolve around natural features of the environment.The legend "Spider Rock" takes place on the magnificent Spider Rock.And the legend "Coyote and the Giant" involves a very special cave.
Chapter 1 Spider Rock
Spider Woman had special powers when the Navajo entered this world long ago.These powers helped her save the Navajo people from horrible monsters that were terrorizing the world.
The Navajo people wanted to give Spider Woman a special place to live to show their gratitude.Because Spider Woman wanted to watch over them, she decided to live on the top of Spider Rock.She felt she had a responsibility to take care of the Navajo.She wanted to do everything within her power to keep them safe.
The Navajo children did not realize that Spider Woman wanted to help them. They were afraid of her.Parents told their children that Spider Rock was covered with the bones of children who did not do as they were told.