Chapter 6
Chapter 6 Chapter 6 Baby Lincoln was correct. Eugenia Lincoln was not happy. "I have had it," said Eugenia. "I have been pushed too far." "Oh, dear," said Baby. "I am ready to take extreme measures," said Eugenia Lincoln. "Extreme measures?" said Baby. "I am calling Animal Control," said Eugenia. "Oh, Sister, no," said Baby. "Oh, Sister, yes," said Eugenia. She got out the phone book. She ran her finger down the page. "Please, Sister," said Baby. Eugenia stabbed a number with her fin
Chapter 6

Chapter 6
Baby Lincoln was correct. Eugenia Lincoln was not happy.
"I have had it," said Eugenia. "I have been pushed too far." "Oh, dear," said Baby.
"I am ready to take extreme measures," said Eugenia Lincoln. "Extreme measures?" said Baby.