CHAPTER 6 CHAPTER 6 "Josh, wake up." Dink shook Josh's shoulder, then yanked the covers off him. "Come on, help me clean the kitchen before my uncle gets up." Josh mumbled something and pulled the covers back over himself. "He made us breakfast...," Dink said. Josh shot out of the bed, tripping over his sneakers as he charged into the kitchen. Ruth Rose was already there, washing the fruit bowl. "I don't see any food," Josh grumbled. "No, but you will after we get this mess cleaned

"Josh, wake up."
Dink shook Josh's shoulder, then yanked the covers off him."Come on, help me clean the kitchen before my uncle gets up."
Josh mumbled something and pulled the covers back over himself.
"He made us breakfast...," Dink said.
Josh shot out of the bed, tripping over his sneakers as he charged into the kitchen.
Ruth Rose was already there, washing the fruit bowl. "I don't see any food," Josh grumbled.
"No, but you will after we get this mess cleaned up," Dink told him."Blueberry pancakes are my uncle's specialty."
Josh dropped into a chair. "I've been lied to," he mumbled.
"Come on, Josh," Dink said. "If we work together, we can have this done in ten minutes."
"I'll wash the floor," Ruth Rose said, dragging a mop from a closet.
Dink handed Josh a damp sponge. "While you're sitting there, wipe the chairs and tabletop."
"I thought we were going to talk to Mrs. Cornelius this morning," Josh said, giving the table a fast swipe.
"We are." Dink opened his uncle's address book. "I'm calling her right now."
When Dink had Mrs. Cornelius on the line, he introduced himself and asked if they could visit her for a few minutes.He thanked her and hung up.
"We can go down as soon as we're done cleaning up," he said. "Let's get to work!"