Chapter 7 Snarlies and Snufflies
Chapter 7 Snarlies and Snufflies Chapter 7 Snarlies and Snufflies That night, I heard snarlies under my bed. Mother said it was my 'magination. "No, it is not my 'magination," I said. "I can hear snarlies. Plus also I hear snories and snufflies and droolies." Mother rolled her eyes way up at the ceiling. "Honestly, Junie B. ... where in the world do you get this stuff?" she asked. I thought and thought. "It just automatically comes in my head," I said. "It is a gift, I think." After that,
Chapter 7 Snarlies and Snufflies

Chapter 7 Snarlies and Snufflies
That night, I heard snarlies under my bed. Mother said it was my 'magination.
"No, it is not my 'magination," I said. "I can hear snarlies.Plus also I hear snories and snufflies and droolies." Mother rolled her eyes way up at the ceiling.
"Honestly, Junie B. ... where in the world do you get this stuff?" she asked. I thought and thought.
"It just automatically comes in my head," I said. "It is a gift, I think."
After that, I begged to sleep in her bed. But Mother said no. Then Daddy said no, too.
"You have to trust us, Junie B.," he said. "We would never let anything hurt you.There's nothing in your room to be afraid of."
And so that's how come I had to sleep in my own bed. For the whole entire night.
Plus also, I had to sleep there the next night.And the next night. And the next night after that, too.
That was the night when the worst thing of all happened.
'Cause I accidentally sleeped too much. And the monster must have crawled on my bed.'Cause in the morning there was drool on my pillow! I screamed very loud when I felt it.
"Help! Help! There's drool! There's drool!I told you this would happen! I told you the monster would come!"