Chapter 8 Getting the Facts
Chapter 8 Getting the Facts Chapter 8 Getting the Facts Grandma was on the phone, checking up on us! Smiling, Ms. Martin handed the phone to Lan and began to pour us glasses of milk. I picked up the mail Lan had dropped and stacked it neatly on the counter. Seeing the name J.A. Jones on the envelopes suddenly reminded me where I'd seen the name before. "J.A. Jones is the author of the Maple Kids Mysteries!" I exclaimed, turning around and staring at Ms. Martin. "You are a writer!" Ms. Martin
Chapter 8 Getting the Facts

Chapter 8 Getting the Facts

Grandma was on the phone, checking up on us!Smiling, Ms. Martin handed the phone to Lan and began to pour us glasses of milk.I picked up the mail Lan had dropped and stacked it neatly on the counter.Seeing the name J.A. Jones on the envelopes suddenly reminded me where I'd seen the name before.
"J.A. Jones is the author of the Maple Kids Mysteries!" I exclaimed,turning around and staring at Ms. Martin. "You are a writer!"
Ms. Martin laughed and admitted that she was the author of our favorite mystery series, explaining that writers sometimes use other names.J.A. Jones was the name she used when she wrote for children.
When Lan finished talking to Grandma, she joined us at the table.Blushing with embarassment, she explained, "Grandma told us you were a writer, but we thought she meant you had good handwriting."