Chapter 9 The Time of My Life
Chapter 9 The Time of My Life Chapter 9 The Time of My Life Mrs. took me into the hall. She wiped my face with a tissue. And we talked about my graduation gown. Mrs. said I would look darling in that dotty thing. 'Cause purple is her favorite color. Plus grape juice is her favorite kind of drink. I kept on crying. 'Cause I didn't actually buy it, that's why. Pretty soon, Mother and Daddy came hurrying to Room Nine. They brought Grampa Miller with them. Their eyes popped out at my spotty,
Chapter 9 The Time of My Life

Chapter 9 The Time of My Life
Mrs. took me into the hall.
She wiped my face with a tissue. And we talked about my graduation gown.
Mrs. said I would look darling in that dotty thing.'Cause purple is her favorite color. Plus grape juice is her favorite kind of drink.
I kept on crying. 'Cause I didn't actually buy it, that's why.
Pretty soon, Mother and Daddy came hurrying to Room Nine.They brought Grampa Miller with them. Their eyes popped out at my spotty, dotty gown.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please don't yell at me," I said. "'Cause I'm already crying, see?Plus wearing this dumb clown gown will be punishment enough."
Mother and Daddy didn't yell. They said we would talk about this problem later.
After that, Mother helped me put on my cap and gown. And she hugged me very nice.
Then Daddy grinned. And he said I look cute in dots.
"She does look cute," said Grampa Miller."And not only that, but when she goes on the stage, she'll be easy to spot." He winked at me.
I did a giggle. 'Cause that man is a silly joker; that's why. Finally, Mrs. patted me.
"Are you feeling better now, Junie B.?" she asked."Are you ready to go back inside and be with your friends?" I shrugged kind of worried.
"Sure she is! Of course she is!" said my grampa. "My goodness! This is Junie B. Jones!"
After that, he stood me up straight and tall.And he faced me to my classroom. Then I breathed in a big breath.
And me and Mrs. went back into Room Nine. Paulie Allen and Jim jumped out at me.
"SURPRISE!" they hollered. "SURPRISE! SURPRISE!"
"SURPRISE!" hollered my bestest friend named Grace.
I looked at those people very shocked. Then my mouth came all the way open!
'Cause they had dots on their clothes! Just like mine!
That Grace skipped all around.
"It was Jim's idea, Junie B.!" she said."Jim said that if all of us have spots, too, then you will feel better!And so Paulie Allen Puffer found the colored markers!And we colored our caps and gowns just like yours!" Grace looked at Mrs.